Words for the Day… by Michelangelo
The marble not yet carved can hold the form of every thought the greatest artist has.
The marble not yet carved can hold the form of every thought the greatest artist has.
#Victoria is what I’ve been working on recently. It’s pure romantic costume drama, melodrama, magnificent writing by Daisy Godwin, and Jenna Coleman will be a star, it deserves to be massive… and you can start watching it tonight at 9pm on ITV.
I hold a beast, an angel and a madman in me.
I hope to refine music, study it, try to find some area that I can unlock. I don’t quite know how to explain it but it’s there. These can’t be the only notes in the world, there’s got to be other notes some place, in some dimension, between the cracks on the piano keys.
Worse than not realizing the dreams of your youth, would be to have been young and never dreamed at all.
It is marvelous that we are the only species that creates gratuitous forms. To create is divine, to reproduce is human.
A kiss that is never tasted, is forever wasted.
Surely something resides in this heart that is not perishable – and life is more than a dream.
[Joan MirĂ³] gave me some money one day and told me to get him some cigarettes. I gave it back and said if he wanted cigarettes, he could bloody well get them himself.
The junk merchant doesn’t sell his product to the consumer, he sells the consumer to his product. He does not improve and simplify his merchandise. He degrades and simplifies the client. — The Naked Lunch